Shri C.U Shah

Sankara Nethralaya pays its deep condolence to its founding father

It was a solemn occasion on the 3rd February 2013 as the members of the Sankara Nethralaya family gathered to pay their homage to Shri C.U Shah one of Sankara Nethralaya’s earliest supporters and the man who was instrumental in its inception. The homage to the departed soul started with an interesting video presentation and […]

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Book launch of ‘Insight- A passion for compassion’ a biography of Sankara Nethralaya

The book launch of ‘Insight-A passion for compassion’ a compelling biography of Sankara Nethralaya co-authored by Shri VV.Ranganathan, Shri George Skarias and Ms Meera Prasad was held at the Walchand Hirachand Hall Mumbai on the 20th of March 2102.The city of Mumbai has a pride of place in the inception and growth of Sankara Nethralaya […]

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