In-depth talks by renowned subject matter experts open the floodgates to better understanding and management of ophthalmic disorders

In-depth talks by Dr Mohamed javed Ali eminent Dacrylogist heading the Govind Sekasria Institute of Dacrylogy at the LV Prasad Eye Hospital and Dr Carlos Pavesio, Medical Retinal Director,MoorfieldsHospital, UK helped in a broader understanding of the subject for participants from Sankara Nethralaya and external attendees. Mirage-The Myth of Watering a conference organized by the Department of Oculoplasty proved to be an oasis of knowledge with the world renowned expert on dacrylogy especially the lacrrimal drainage system sharing his views on the subject. The eminent ophthalmologist underlined the need to be a good clinician and scientist to make an impact. The guest lecture by Dr Carlos Pavesio the highly acclaimed authority on the Retina began with a fulsome praise to one of the the host institution boasting of one of the world’s largest and well equipped and manned by experts Vitreo-Retina department in the world, hailing Sankara Nethralaya as an amazing institution the eminent ophthalmologist observed that coming to the institution has always been a great learning and adding to his experience, The expert gave an elaborate talk covering topics like gluco therapy in treating uveitis, the reservation that purists in the field had to the usage of drugs which they termed as ‘toxic’, macular edema,modalities for ocular dry syndrome,VEGF in Uveitis, anti VEGF perceoptions, AMD etc. The talks helped in a healthy exchange of views and dissemination of knowledge.

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