The Sankara Nethralaya Academy the teaching and training arm of Sankara Nethralaya conducted a niche, one day training program on “Effective Communication & Supervisory Skills for Managers on 18th October 2014.
The session started with a warm welcome note and the need for supervisory skills in professional managers by Shri A. Mahalingam, Assistant Registrar of the institution, he thanked the participants for the overwhelming response and confidence in the institution and wished them a wonderful and successful session.
Shri A Mahalingam also used the opportunity to make a quick announcement about the forthcoming 12 weekends Certificate Course in Healthcare Quality Management to be conducted in collaboration with Association of healthcare Providers India (AHPI), New Delhi and ACME Consulting (Healthcare Quality Consultancy) Chennai and to be commencing from November 15, 2014.
Dr. Ashok Babu a qualified trainer started the session with an “ICE BREAKER” which ensured each and every participant to know each other by names. He took the session for four hours on the topic, with lively examples, many video clippings, coupled with management games.
The Trainer highlighted to the trainees that in order to be the best ‘Leader’ one should not hesitate to work with his/her subordinates, and constantly Coach, Teach, Guide, Demonstrate, Counsel, Impart Knowledge, Train, and make his/her subordinates to apply the learned knowledge at the work place.
The Leader should check, cross check and double check his subordinate’s work until satisfied and then give them full freedom at the workplace.
Trust should be watchword and by doing so, all subordinates will give their best and they will all take the responsibility of fulfilling the task. Responsibility without authority is futile and hence the Leader should give authority to certain level to his subordinates.
Knowledge if properly imparted will have its effect on one’s attitude, and this will change one’s behavior providing him a new skill, and it will become a practice.
The session ended with a motivating speech by Mr A Mahalingam and later ended with vote of thanks.