A topical seminar on ophthalmic nursing

As an eye care institution which lays special emphasis on the critical role of nursing in the overall quality of health care delivery, Sankara Nethralaya conducts periodic seminars on ophthalmic nursing to enhance and update knowledge and skills in this key area of activity, through its academic arm the Sankara Nethralaya Academy.  The Sankara Nethralaya Academy conducted an exclusive ophthalmic seminar at the Sri VD.Swami Auditorium located at the Sankara Nethralaya Main campus on the 1st of March 2013. The proceedings started with a warm welcome note by Ms Hannah Priya, Professor of Nursing, Sankara Nethralaya Academy followed by an interesting overview of the Academy and its long term objectives by Shri A.Mahalingam, Academic Officer. This was followed by in-depth lectures on topics ranging from the anatomy of the eye to various ailments that effect the eye, their treatment and recent developments in the field of nursing which helped the participants to enhance and update their understanding and knowledge on the subject.

The seminar evoked an enthusiastic response, with a good number of participants from the Apollo College of Nursing, Dhanavantri Eye Hospital, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Schell Eye Hospital and Schudder Memorial Hospital taking part. The participants had a high word of praise for the key topics chosen and the in-depth presentation of the same and gave a highly positive feedback on the seminar to the organizers.

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