According to the recent G.O (Government Order) passed by the Tamil Nadu Government, it was decided to provide electronic CCTV for underprivileged students with Low vision all over the state.
The professionals from our institution were invited for a meeting to decide about the specification of the device to be provided to the visually impaired students.
The meeting was conducted at the office of the State Commissioner for the differently abled in K.K. Nagar. It was attended by Mrs. Sarika (Incharge of Low Vision Care clinic), Mr. Govinda Krishnan (Founder of Nethrodaya) and Mr. Srinivasan (Board member of National Institute for the Visually Handicapped), who were considered as the deciding authorities.
A detailed introduction and demonstration of the low vision devices and electronic devices used by most of the students with low vision was given by Mrs. Sarika. The specifications of the device were finalized and signed by the members.
Soon this order will be implemented and many students with low vision will be benefited by this support from the Govt.