The first World Glaucoma Day (WGD) was observed on March 6, 2008. In this connection, Glaucoma Society of India held its first patient awareness meeting in Chennai at Sankara Nethralaya on March 6, 2008 at 6 pm. Patients and their families interested were invited to attend the meeting and benefit from the Doctor – Patient discussions.
Pamphlets and articles on glaucoma were displayed at all SN centers a week prior to WGD till the day for awareness. At REH Posters in Tamil and English, pamphlets were displayed through the day (March 6th). Ms Sarika and colleagues (Interns) did a good job of managing the displays and creating an awareness among patients and relatives who came to the hospital.
An awareness meeting was arranged for patients at 6.30 pm which was attended by some 50-60 people who witnessed lectures in Tamil and English; Q and A sessions by public and press with glaucoma specialists of the city Dr B Sridhar Rao, Dr Murali Ariga and Glaucoma experts from SN, Dr L Vijaya, Dr B Shantha, Dr Ronnie George and Dr M Baskaran were also held. The interaction between public and doctors was very good. Patient Support Group was initiated in the meeting and a platform for future meeting began. Posters display and pamphlet distribution were done throughout the day for the public.