Solving Convergence Excess

Sankara Nethralaya shares its knowledge at CME organized by a like-minded institution

The Comtrust eye hospital is a pioneering eye care institution in the Malabar region of Kerala started by the Commonwealth Trust India Ltd, run by German Missionaries. A non-profit organization recognized by the ‘National Program for Control of Blindness’ the nation’s premier eye care initiative and accredited as a ‘Sight First’ hospital by Lions International, the institution is governed by the principles of ‘quality, affordable eye care to paying patients’ and ‘totally cost free eye care to the poor and needy’ and ‘dissemination of knowledge for the common good’ through quality academic initiatives, the same lofty principles which govern Sankara Nethralaya.

The institution held a ‘Continuing Medical Education’ session (CME) on ‘Dioptrics’ the branch of optics that deals with the impact of refraction of light on visual acuity and evolving corrective solutions, titled ‘Dioptricom’ at Kozhikode on the 12th of February 2017. The event witnessed talks on a wide array of topics and debates like refreshers on refraction, binocular vision, commonly debated eye care practice issues and updates on cataract surgery, by eminent eye care professionals from across the country. We take great pleasure in sharing that Ms Jameel Rizwana Husaindeen, In-Charge-Binocular Vision Clinic, Sankara Nethralaya and Lecturer of General Anatomy at the Elite School of Optometry was invited to participate as a keynote speaker in this high level topical meet. Ms Rizwana gave an in-depth talk on the critical area of Dioptrics namely ‘Solving Convergence Excess’ and also delivered an interesting keynote address on the topic ‘Binocular Single Vision Decoded’ covering the critical need for binocular vision care, the disturbingly increasing prevalence of binocular vision issues among school children and ways to combat the same with quick and innovative screening tools which was extremely well received by more than 100 Ophthalmologists attending the CME.

We take this opportunity to compliment and congratulate her on keeping up the institution’s avowed philosophy of disseminating knowledge for the common good and to enable better eye care for all.