Binocular Vision Clinic

The eye care pioneer launches a revolutionary new process aimed at perfect vision!

While vision impairments causing partial or total blindness are easily perceptible, minor vision anomalies often go unnoticed and undiagnosed leading to serious issues in the course of time. A typical case of such an anomaly is poor ‘Binocular Vision’ which impedes the capacity of the left and right eyes to co-ordinate in perceiving images and sending co-ordinated messages to the brain; accommodation difficulties and eye movement disorders are other common vision anomalies. Such anomalies manifest themselves in the form of eyestrain, blurred vision, frequent headaches, double vision and tired eyes. As an institution committed to a holistic approach to healthy vision and eye care Sankara Nethralaya looks beyond conventional eye care; initiatives like the ‘Low Vision Clinic’ and the ‘Neuro-Optometry Clinic’ are good examples of this approach. The latest endeavour in this direction is providing its vast domain expertise to Digital Works a software company in the development of TRYe (Train Your eyes) a user friendly, versatile vision therapy software that addresses vision anomalies effectively. The software was formally launched at a simple function held at the Vision Therapy Clinic at the Sankara Nethralaya Main by Dr.SS.Badrinath, Chairman Emeritus and Dr.Vasanthi Badrinath, Director Clinical Services, Sri Nathella Sampathu Clinical Laboratory, Sankara Nethralaya. Ms. Jameel Rizwana Hussaindeen, Incharge – Binocular Vision Clinic and Lecturer at the Elite School of Optometry, extended a warm welcome to the gathering assembled and demonstrated the software, she explained the features and purpose of the software in detail and clarified their queries.

About TRYe

• Train Your Eyes (TRYe) is a new Indigenous Vision Therapy Software Product designed and developed by Digital Works Technologies Private Ltd., using the domain expertise of Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai.

• Developed on latest technology platforms with the ability to run on PC, Laptops, Mobile & Tablets

• Designed for clinic based and home based vision therapy

What is Unique about TRYe?

1. Has normative reference data specific to Indian patients

2.Tested on a large set of patients

3. Training provided for the eye care practitioners by expert Binocular vision practitioners prior to the delivery of TRYe

4. Simple training modules specific for child and adult

5. Compatible with all installation platforms

6. Very easy to handle by any tech-novice patient

7. Easy follow-up for the practitioner

TRYe- Features

The role of TRYe assumes great relevance as recent global and Indian statistics indicate an alarmingly high prevalence of about 30% of binocular vision anomalies among school children and adults who have highly demanding near visual tasks.  These binocular vision anomalies reflect poor eye muscle co-ordination and cause a lot of visual discomfort ranging from eyestrain, headache and double vision resulting in aversion to near work.

While vision therapy (eye exercises) has proven to be efficacious in improving the eye muscle coordination, conventional vision therapy options are becoming obsolete and monotonous leading to the need for innovative vision therapy solutions. Presently available vision therapy software too have their limitations in terms of lacking in indigenous normative data, not so user friendly interface, difficulties with patient follow-up, lack of technical support besides being expensive.

TRYe overcomes these limitations and provides practitioners and patients a friendly tool that addresses a variety of accommodation and binocular vision dysfunctions. It also has the significant advantage of having diagnostic, therapeutic and follow-up tool, all in one package.

To know more about this exciting vision care software please contact

Jameel Rizwana Hussaindeen M.phil Opt, FCOVD-I, FAAO
Incharge Binocular Vision Clinic
Sankara Nethralaya, A Unit of Medical Research Foundation,
Chennai-  600 006, India

SN optometrist is FIRST Indian to be awarded FCOVD

Ms. Jameel H Rizwana, Incharge – Binocular Vision Clinic, Sankara Nethralaya, has become the first Indian to be awarded the prestigious Fellowship from the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (FCOVD), USA. The College of Optometrists in Vision Development is an international, non-profit optometric membership organisation that provides education, evaluation, and board certification programs in […]

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