Sankara Nethralaya’s team ‘AMMA’ leads the premier league at major meet with their tender touch


If ‘AMMA’ the name chosen for the SN team to represent Tamil Nadu at the 3rd Annual Conference of the ‘Women’s Ophthalmology Society’ being held at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre between the 21st-23rd December 2018 seemed most appropriate a name for a team representing an institution committed to treatment with love and a personal touch and a most advanced Pediatric Ophthalmology department, ‘Tender Vision’ the theme chosen by the team added its own flavour to the name.The team consisting of Dr Kavitha Kalaivani, Senior Consultant, Pediatric Ophthalmology department, Dr Vasumathy Vedhantam, Senior VR Surgeon and Medical Director, Radhatri Nethralaya and Dr NissarSonamPoonam, Associate Consultant, the Department of Orbit, Oculoplasty, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Servicesled by Dr Niveditha Narayanan, Senior Consultant, Cornea Department was adjudged as the ‘Best Team’ in the ‘Ophthalmic Premier League’ State level competition held at the meet.

We take pleasure in sharingthe winning presentations made by each of the team members


Team captain Dr. Niveditha Narayanan presented a most informative and interesting video on Protected PK technique.

Dr. Kavitha Kalaivani presented an insightful video providing critical inputs on Iris handling and pupilloplasty in Pediatric traumatic cataract

Dr. Vasumathy Vedantham’s most poignant dream come true story on ROP screening and how she was able to reach out to remote villages for the screening  moved the heart and soul of the viewers

Dr. Nisar Sonam Poonam presented agripping video on the most advanced process of USG guided intra lesional Bleomycin in treating orbital lymphangiomas.

The ‘AMMA’ team expresses its sincere thanks for the support extended by Mr Mohan, Team Leaderand the Multimedia team without which the winning videos may not have been possible.

Sankara Nethralaya family conveysits hearty congratulations to thecaptain and members of the ‘AMMA’ team for keeping the SN flag flying high at a most prestigious meet and wishes them many more laurels and accolades in their professional/academic journey

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