As an eye care institute with a social commitment Sankara Nethralaya has not only won the praise and adulation for the high quality of eye care it offers to both paying and non-paying patients, the human touch experienced at its wards or its State of the Art infrastructure, it has also come under great praise for the way it has administered itself, managed its finances, maintained the highest quality standards and provided a great work environment to its employees. Observations like ‘The Best charitable organizations in India’ by eminent jurist and legal luminary Shri Nani Palkhivala and ‘A high performing knowledge institution, mission driven and with a proven track record’ by the Ratan Tata Trust or the award for the ‘Best Social Enterprise in India’ or ‘Business Superbrand in India’ point out to excellence stretching far beyond the domain of quality Medicare. As a highly successful social enterprise and non-profit institution run on modern management principles Sankara Nethralaya has drawn the fascination of professional managers. While there are many success stories on market driven, commercial enterprises in a free growth economy the huge acclaim and success of a non-profit in every sphere of its activity provides the ideal ‘Case Study’ for students of management and bodies that regulate and control business at all levels.
Sankara Nethralaya was recently called upon to share its ‘Business model’, its work principles and ethics and the secret of its success by the Avicenna Leadership Program a delegation of business leaders and students of management from Holland on a visit to Chennai and at a seminar titled ‘Healthcare-Its Reach, Cost and Quality organized by the Eastern Chapter of the American Chamber of commerce at Kolkata.
Dr S.Bhaskaran, Chairman, Sankara Nethralaya addressed the distinguished gathering on both occasions and gave them a bird’s eye view of the company’s driving philosophy, operational methodology, research initiatives, academic endeavors, role in communal ophthalmology, generation and management of funds and future goals to a highly fascinated and appreciative audience.