Discovering the joys of life

Discovering the joys of life

A one hour talk by globally renowned motivational speaker, spiritualist and corporate management guru Swami Sukhabodhananda was organized at the Sri VD Swami Auditorium on the 23rd of September 2011. Members of the Sankara Nethralaya family had a glimpse of the Swami’s refreshingly simple approach to life and its complexities and his earthy philosophy of living the moment in hand instead of seeking a seemingly elusive happiness in the distant future.

Swami Sukhabodhananda observed that knowledge today has become a tool to protect one’s foolishness and emphasized that such knowledge was dangerous and counterproductive, he emphasized that knowledge becomes relevant and useful only when it is used to destroy foolishness. Swami Sukhabodhananda drove his point home with jokes and funny anecdotes that kept the audience entertained while underlining a strong message. The highly informative and interesting talk ended with a question and answer session, with the Swami answering questions raised by the audience.

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